Especially at this time of year we find ourselves so busy that we forget to realize how special it is to live here in Eastham.
The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is running through this weekend and five Eastham gardens were available for viewing this past Tuesday. Unlike so many other garden tours the attraction of the Eastham Garden Tour for these past three years is the unique creativity and hands-on passion that is expressed by the owner’s whimsical designs.
Thanks to the pragmatic direction of Betsy Loomis, the Eastham committee chair, and her soldiers of talent and zeal, Sheila Garry, Nancy Eisenbarth. Sharon Krause, Norma Marcellino, Willow Shire, Sue Silver and myself the Eastham Garden Tour continues to be a top producer for the entire Festival. From their diligence, the visiting garden voyeurs are generating a new understanding about Eastham and which has transformed into a matter of pride for all our citizenry.