Outdoor Dining Update
Over the last few months, a team of Town staff from Planning/Community Development, Building Inspections, Health & Environment, Police, Fire, and Administration have worked to develop new local regulations and a streamlined application process outdoor dining areas. The regulations were developed in response to the scheduled expiration of a State-approved expedited permitting option, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have missed the Outdoor Dining updates over the last few months, see the resources below for a recap:
The Eastham Planning Board will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Draft Outdoor Dining Regulations TODAY, March 16 at 4 PM. We invite all restaurants and businesses to attend and provide input!
Meeting agendas and remote participation information will be available through the Town calendar at www.eastham-ma.gov.
Other Updates
Exterior Improvement Program
At their March 7 meeting, the Eastham Select Board voted unanimously to support funding for a NEW Exterior Improvement Program via Eastham’s local American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding! Town staff are now working to finalize program guidelines and application materials and expect to launch the program later this year. News of this exciting program will be shared via this email list and direct outreach to businesses, so stay tuned!
Support for exterior business improvements was identified through Eastham’s Rapid Recovery Planning process (2021) as a key strategy for COVID-related business recovery. The Exterior Improvement Program will invest in improvements to local business storefronts while providing an expedited approval option for eligible projects. The program will offer a matching award of 80% of project costs (up to $25,000) for eligible façade and exterior improvements.
North Eastham Master Plan
The Town has selected Union Studio Architecture & Community Design to lead development of a Master Plan for three Town-owned properties in North Eastham. The “North Eastham Village Center Master Plan” will include conceptual designs for the use of each property, as well as a comprehensive plan showing how the sites tie into the larger community. The development of the Master Plan is expected to take approximately one year, and community members will be invited to participate at multiple points throughout the process. Eastham businesses will be one of a handful of key stakeholder groups through this project. We invite you to learn more about this pivotal project and share your unique perspective as a business owner in our community!
Town Center Plaza
The Town’s purchase of the Town Center Plaza property (4550 State Highway) was finalized Friday, March 4. The six existing businesses on the property will comprise another key stakeholder group in the upcoming Master Plan process. The Town will also be doing some spring beautification and basic maintenance on the property as the planning process continues.