A message from Willow Shire:
Hi all,
It is up! The public mural, delayed a year and a half by Covid, is finally finished and up! Here are a few photos.
Last Saturday, July 3rd, about 90 artists picked up a brush and painted on squares which became Eastham’s public mural at the Superette. Artists ranging in age from 2 to 82 used their imaginations to create images that filled the land and water of Cape Cod with colorful turtles, sharks, boats and flowers. We even have an elephant and sea monsters.
The artists included two millennial brothers who called their parents to come paint when they saw how much fun they were having. Another woman, recently retired to the Cape, spent a long time on her wonderful horseshoe crab and declared that she would begin looking for art classes as she enjoyed it so much. Carter Wessman brought his entire band. Small children literally spent hours fine tuning their creatures.
The mural was assembled this morning by Robin Wessman, Willow Shire and Dale and Peter Wade. Please stop to see the mural and say thanks to Sarah and Ed Wilcox for letting us use the Superette to show the mural.
Read about it in the Newsbreak section of Wicked Local.