The Future of Work…
by foleyfoleypc
Do you get emails with this title often? I do and think: where were you in February of 2020, bro? The reality is work is changing all the time and has been for decades. As society changes, so too does work. Gender roles, automation, technology, markets–workplaces were constantly evolving well before the recent adaptations that the pandemic brought.
We cannot tell you when or if your workforce should return, if you have remote employees. We cannot tell you when the viruses will abate. What we can tell you, with certainty, is that treating employees fairly and consistently is a best practice. Whether your workplace is remote, partially remote, or in person, implementing solid workplace policies through education and training will avoid many, many issues.
When you read about the future of work and cyberbullying, you will be ready. When you read about a rise in wage claims, your workplace will be ready. When you see articles on pregnancy discrimination–you’ve got that nailed too. How? Keep your policies and training up to date. The past 18 months have been a wild ride but the compliance obligations remain. Dust off that handbook and policies. Check the last time you trained managers. The future will come and you will be ready.